I HATE my job. I don't even like it a little bit. I should have never gone to college. I didn't know what I wanted to be then and I still don't only now I owe the government a ton of money. It's not like I want to stay home and do nothing, which I'm sure is what everyone thinks. I want to work but I have no idea what. I know I don't want to work with children...what was I thinking?

I really wish I could find a weekday job in retail. I know that sounds so stupid, I hated it when I worked in it but now I miss it. The smell, the feel of new clothes...not much can beat it.

I hope the government shuts down and takes my position away forever, Bill Clinton is so stupid, if he didn't invent the job in the first place, no one ever would have. I have been investigating it, in 1995 and then again in 1996 the fed. government shut down and Headstart was shut down with it. The post office still worked, and only ESSENTIAL personnel were still needed: Armed Forces, Zoo/Parks, etc... And now they have so many more jobs that have been created; terrorist protectors and all that, for the life of me I can not think of the term, but you probably know what I'm talking about...?

Anyway, I guess that's if for now, I just want to crawl into a hole and sleep for 6 months until the baby comes. But I can't so I'm going to bed. Always hoping for a call or text telling me I can take the day off! (or better yet, center is closed because gov't shut down...


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