A week ago while arguing about baby names, Michael said the middle name doesn't matter anyway, let's not even do one..then why the crap won't he just let me name the baby what I want?! If it's a boy the name is Banjamin Powell, which is fine..I guess. I know why he wants Powell but really? It's a family name..him and his grandpa are the ones who have it, it's not like everyone for the last 10 generations had it as a middle name! I like Benjamin Boyd better, it sounds better but what do I know?! Just my opinion...

We're debating on girl names, I really don't think it will be a girl..I have a feeling it's not anway. He was drunk when we were talking about girl names so I don't know for sure if he was just drunk or actually have a conversation with me...
Savannah or Charlotte. I like Savannah because it covers his Nannie Jean with the name Anna, and then we could do Marie for a middle name...covering Nannie Maggie, but how does that sound. Savannah Marie Cox, it's cute and very southern so that's why I'm thinking Michael will probably shoot it down. If we go with Charlotte which I really like I'm stuck on a middle name, Marie would work but I don't love it. Nichole would be ok but I think it's kind of selfish of me to use my own middle name. Jane would cover Cindy and I'm sure it would make her feel good. I think Nichole sounds the best but then again...maybe I'm just being selfish?!

My entire life I wanted to name my daughter Katherine so I could call her Katie but Michael is being a total ass about it and yelled at me and said NO, he hates that name. I know he yelled at me because he never does, and I know for sure it wasn't just tone, he actually yelled! Said he hated the initials KC..guess what? She'll be known by something longer than she had her maiden name so what's the big deal?

I'm the one doing all the work; nursery, carrying this baby, I'll be the one pushing it out..I don't get it!

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