I was told the other day that I won't be able to take 12 weeks off work. "We can't afford it", which I understand..kinda. I know babies cost money, i'm not an idiot. It's not exactly all my fault that we got pregnant before our aflac had a chance to kick in to cover the cost of the baby. Which is really too bad because if we would have waited with the lovins and had the baby in Oct. or Nov. I'd be in the clear. I'd get to stay at home for 3 months because we'd have that money to use. But NOoooo "someone" can't keep his hands off my sexy body, hahaha!

Anyway this isn't fair! To make matters worse, I loaned my baby fund to my sister thinking I would get repaid in a timely manner..wrong! I'm not even going to be able to buy the furniture I really wanted without it.

Which I'm not even sure why I'm getting so worked up about it, I may not even have a job for next year anyway. Anna said the other day if we don't get our kitchen like we're supposed to the entire center will shut down because the Middle School won't be there. And without being to provide a hot meal, we're kinda screwed.

I hate this job more and more everyday, I have been sick all year it seems; i used to NEVER get sick. The children roll their eyes at me, they don't listen, they do exactly what I tell them not to. Everyday it gets worse, might as well stayed at Walmart. At least at Walmart you know you're gonna hate your job, it's not like I wasted 9 years of my life on this degree when it's not really even the degree they want you to have.

I don't know what to do. :(

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