I'm angry. Everyone but me is pregnant. Everytime I see it happen I hope they miscarry, so they will feel like I do. I know its wrong and as soon as I have this evil thouhgt, I take it back.

Why do I Facebook? It only causes me pain. So why do I do it?...

I walked a mile today, and I was wore out after..wheew! The tape that Keesha burnt for me is actually a 2 mile walk but the girl is so annoying, I wanted to pull her hair out. Has that ever happened to you. You see someone on the street and you just want to walk up to them and punch them in the face for no reason at all. It happens to me all the time.

Michael went for a hike today, he was supposed to have gone camping too (overnight)..I'm glad he didn't end up staying for the campng part. Though a piece of me was happy he was away for the day, I was glad when he got home.

I could have cleaned but we did it together on Wednesday, because my mom and sister came down for the day. And I don't have the stamina or the desire to do it anyway. There are tons of things for me to be doing, but I have no desire to do it..same old, same old.

Aunt Flo is supposed to come for a visit in 2 days, here's to hoping she doesn't! :)
and sprinkling baby dust my way...

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