I have missed blogging, even though I only did it a few times. I forgot my password and kept forgetting to reset it, dang pregnancy brain...oops! the cat is out of the bag now, lol. We went to the dr. today, we are at 8 weeks 5 days. The ultrasound only showed 5 weeks 5 days, she said the sac was big. (not sure what that means...) We go back in 2 weeks. We saw a heartbeat, praise Jesus! The edd is March 4, 2011.

I'm hoping I just ovulated late, the u/s tech said it was a small baby but didn't seem worried.

The receptionist was an evil b word. If you are going to be mean to pregnant ladies, you need to get a new job. We arrived early (30 min) an hour goes by and I walk up to the counter, asking if we could see the financial person. She tells me they are really busy and to just be patient, I walk away before she is done talking. Of course add my 2 cents "I thougt waiting an hour was being patient!", 2 seconds later we were called back, it was 10 am before we actually got to see the dr. Did I mention we got there at 8:00 AM!? Anyway...finally got to the back, after talking to the finanicial person told me I didn't have insurance, and said she has been trying to get the information since last thursday and friday, she called me friday morning and left a message, I called right back and left a message. She never called me back. Said she spent 2 days on this "Two whole days!"...whatever! She was so hateful and was dressed like she worked from home! sloppy.

But getting worked up over that drama really drained me the rest of the day. I'm so tired right now but feel as if I am going to vomit at any second.

Stick Baby Stick!